We Are People First NL
People First of Newfoundland & Labrador (PFNL) is a provincial organization of people who have been labeled with an intellectual disability. We want to improve the quality of life of people who have been labeled with an intellectual disability by advocating for equality and inclusion. We want to have a voice in the community and be recognized as full citizens.
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People First NL believes in inclusion!

We believe in community living and not in institutionalization. A real home means a neighbourhood, a community, choices and opportunity.
We believe in meaningful employment and not in sheltered workshops – real work for real pay.
We believe that people with disabilities must have enough income to have a life that is dignified and inclusive. The cost of disability should not be poverty.
We believe that everyone has a right to an education in the regular school system – all students included in classroom activities and learning.
We believe that all people, regardless of disability, have legal capacity. Nothing about us without us!
Get Involved
People First of Newfoundland and Labrador welcomes individuals who have been labelled with an intellectual disability to become members and become active in the organization. People First also welcomes friends and supporters, and anyone who wants to volunteer. If you would like more information, please contact us.